Thursday, February 02, 2006

"...Look, the Lord is coming with thousands of His holy ones.
He will bring the people of the world to judgment.
He will convict the ungodly of all the evil things they have done in rebellion and all the insults that godless sinners have spoken against Him." Jude 1:14-15.

Secularism and Christianism

Evolutionism and Intelligent Design represent two opposite ways of explaining the origin of humanity.
Those two perspectives are represented on the ground by two different groups: the secularists and the Christians.
The secularism is against the belief and the submission of the mankind to the unique Christian God. They advocate the freedom of belief (the right to believe in anything) or the right to live without faith (atheism or the reject of the God of the Bible) in a society ruled by human wisdom ( a lifestyle coming from humans themselves and not from a so-called God).

The Christians on the other hand believe and refer themselves to an invisible God who has created everything for a purpose and are trying to draw the mankind attention towards His plan or word written in the Bible.

The secularists believe in the capacity of humanity to handle its own business without God's intervention while the Christians think that humanity is lost without God's power and wisdom to lead the mankind through its daily living.

Because evolutionism and secularism reject the existence of a supernatural and invisible God and refer only to human, earthly or palpable knowledge to govern and manage human living, it is a materialism.

The Intelligent design or the Christianism on the other hand accept the reality of the existence of an invisible God; it believes in an invisible and heavenly power or wisdom that can organize and give a sens to human living. It is called spirituality.

The theory of evolution is the support on the ground of those who refuse to submit themselves to the christian teaching. In refuting the fact that the world is God's creation and sustaining that it is a self-made evolution, they denie God's right to rule over a world He has created and transfers God's authority to the self-evolved creatures.
Denying the existence of God allows them to live their lives in a way that is condemned by the christian teaching and allowed by the human traditions.

The Intelligent design supports God's right to rule over a world He has created and tells the mankind to submit to God's word for the welfare of humanity here in earth and for the fulfilment of His promise of eternal life.

Materialism Vs Spirituality

The evolutionism attributes the human origin not to God but to a process of mutations and evolution of an animal life trying to adapt to a changing environment.
It is backed up by the secularism that reject the belief in an invisible God who is the creator and the ruler of humanity.
Secularists believe in the ability of the mankind to manage and improve the lives and the relationships of the different groups of interest in the planet without refering to God.
The enhancements in the morality and the relationships of humanity would be found inside the human soul and implemented by the men themselves.
It can be noted that the secularists are friendly to any other kind of beliefs but are especcially opposed to christianity.

The intelligent design on the other hand recognizes that the mankind is the planed project of an invisible God.
It is backed up by the Gospel that teaches that a life of good deeds improves the quality of a human soul and helps its owner to inherit eternal life after death and decay of the body.
Christians believe that the improvement of the human behaviors and of the relationships between the different people of the earth, can be found only through the sound understanding and practices of God's wisdom revealed through the Bible.

In denying the existence of God, the evolutionists and secularists do not make a difference between the body and the life that animates it.
They tie the life to the body and treat them as one.
They see only one side of the human existence and devote themselves to the exhaltation and improvement of that component of humanity.
Because most of the body needs can be satisfied using material; the evolutionists and secularists have turned the human life into a race to material.

On the other hand the recogniction of God's existence by the Christians and of His right to lead the world, makes a separation between the body and the life that sustains it.
The Christians have learned the difference between the carnal life (the flesh) and the spiritual life (the Spirit).
The Carnal life being the use of human existence for material purposes(body needs) and the spiritual life being the use of human existence for spiritual purposes (life needs).

This knowledge separates the body needs (the food, the clothes, the shelter) from the life needs (the word of God, the good deeds, the holiness).
It separates the exhaltation and improvement of the body needs from the exhaltation and the enhancement of the life needs.

The evolutionism, the secularism and the materialism lead to a dead end: the human existence stops with the dead of its owner while the intelligent Design or the christianism open on a different pathway: the possibility of a life after death, a spiritual or immortal life.

It is useful to consider that evolutionism, secularism and materialism are a way to refute or to reject the condemnation or the judgment coming on the objectable lifestyles lived by the defenders of those theories.
They are supporters of a free world where everything goes and can be censured only by the mankind itself (the law of the jungle).

Because evolutionism, secularism and materialism are based only on the exterior aspects of humanity; they have open the way to tribalism, racism, slavery, colonialism, imperialism, neo-colonialism, hegemony, wars, famines, ...

They have recognized the right for some people linked by a tribal, racial link, a common lifestyle (interests) or common territory to feed, to cloth and to shelter themselves using the lives and the ressources of other different tribes, races or nations.
They have enacted laws that make it legal or normal to kill, to enslave, to plunder or to exploit other people lives in order to feed, to cloth or to shelter themselves.

The evolutionists, secularists and materialists are against the intelligent Design, the Christians and the Bible because the latters condemn and label their lifestyles as evil, bringing upon them and their relatives the shame they deserve and the risk of a pending punishment because of their evil deeds.

To shield themselves from the shame of being finger pointed and the risk of being prosecuted
everywhere in the world for their evil deeds, the evolutionists, secularists and materialists have taken the lead; they must prevent the word of God and the Christians that preach it to turn it towards them; they must control the truth in order to stop it from revealing who they really are.
In order to fight against God's rule of the world; they needed to kill the heir of the Kingdom (Jesus-Christ), to twist the law of the kingdom (the Gospel) and rule over the subjects by using a lie to control their mind.

Are we under the rule of evil men who are holding the world captive using lies?
Who are they?
What means are they using?
How to figure them out?

The answer is in the Bible and will be revealed for all to see and choose a path.

To be continued.